Types of towbar and their purpose


There are many kinds of towbar available to suit any person’s needs. Whether you’re planning on towing a caravan or a simple trailer. Knowing what styles of towbar are on offer can be a huge help in selecting the right one for you. So before you install a towbar without a second thought, take the time to look at the benefits and disadvantages of the most popular kinds of towbar below.


A flange towbar is one of the most common kinds of towbar fitted on many UK cars. They are usable with other accessories such as bicycle carriers and are able to adapt in height. Meaning they can serve the purpose you need well. They can also be used alongside a bumper protection plate for your car. Flange towbars tend to be the cheaper option of the most popular choices. However the price is a compromise for its size as they are the bigger tow bar option and tend to stick out quite a lot. They are fully visible while in use and out of use. Unfortunately they have also been known to be picked up frequently by parking sensors. So many cars with this feature tend to not use them.

Swan neck

A swan neck towbar is well known for looking much better than a flange towbar. They are a little more compact and are styled better for a more pleasing appearance. This smaller, more compact size means that they tend not to have the problem of being picked up by parking sensors like flange towbars do. However there have been cases where they are noticed. Although they are a more expensive option. They are reasonably priced however they are not quite as adaptable as a flange option. They are compatible with cycle carriers with adaption. But other features cannot be used at the same time a cycle carrier is in place. Making them a little less popular.


Both flange and swan neck towbars also have a slightly modified option to choose as they are both available in a detachable option. Which simply means the tow bar can be removed from a car quickly and easily when not in use without the requirement for full re installation when it is needed again. These towbars have most of the same benefits as their permanent counterparts except they offer a much cleaner look for a car when they are removed. One of the only new issues a detachable towbars is that when not in use they are easily misplaced around the home and can be expensive to replace when needed again.

October 31, 2017 |

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